Yin Yoga for Anxiety: how to find peace

Anxiety is terrible! There I said it. Between the confinement, the inflation and climate change there have been so many events these last few years that have put us in a state of uncertainty... It's overwhelming! Add your own personal problems to the mix and you have the perfect recipe for anxiety. It's amazing, I know.

But! Practicing yin yoga can help you get through this.

Anxiety and Yoga

There is still so much we don't know about the benefits of yoga, we are learning new facts all the time. What is known is that yin yoga helps to activate your parasympathetic nervous system which is linked to relaxation. This is especially important to combat anxiety. All the yoga styles have a calming effect on the body and the mind but yin yoga is especially effective as you will stay still for a longer period of time in one pose.

Yin yoga has been a practice that I can come back to whenever I feel like I need to calm down and simply feel more grounded. An other similar style that is very close to yin is restorative yoga. Both styles are very beneficial for anxiety and stress relief.

Yoga can help with almost everything if you allow it. You don't need to do much, just let yourself be guided and trust the process. Just by incorporating long deep breaths you will feel better because one of the first thing that we change physically when we are stressed is the breath. When was the last time you felt relaxed and worry-free?

Keep in mind that only one session might not be enough to heal from anxiety, consistency is key.

How to practice yin yoga

Disclaimer: The Tree of Life Yoga is not replacing any medical treatment. If you suffer from severe anxiety, yoga can help but might not be enough to treat it, make sure you seek apropriate care. If you think you need support, don't hesitate to reach out to your doctor or health care practitioner to find the perfect treatment plan for you.

That said, a regular yin yoga practice can definately be beneficial for your mental and physical wellbeing. If you're wondering how to get started with yin yoga, keep reading!

Use yoga to relax:

-Yoga practices stimulate the vagus nerve and the parasympathetic nervous system which are both helping the body to relax. As such, as soon as you take a few deep belly breaths, you will already feel calmer. Yoga and meditation are techniques that you can use daily. Repetition, as I already metionned before, will help your body remember that each time you come to your mat, you are safe. When you combine movement and awareness to the breath, the mind is busy focusing on the practice and it temporarily forgets about the rest.

-Nurturing greater awareness to what you are feeling and what you are thinking can help greatly. (Use a journal to write down your thoughts and feelings).

Use yoga to cultivate discipline:

-Yoga inspires discipline. Yoga practices like yin yoga forces you to stay still for a long period of time which can be quiet challenging, but it teaches you how to let go of control and surrender in the moment.

-In addition, discipline helps the mind find stability and security. Finding a sense of routine gives you a sense of predictability which is essential for anxiety.

Use yoga to stay in the moment: even if it's only a few minutes at first!

-Yoga is focused on what you're feeling in the moment.

-Yogis for years practice yoga to be in the moment without worrying about the future or revisiting what has already happened.

-Try inhaling deeply and then let the breath go out slowly through your mouth. This should be done calmly, without forcing. What were you thinking about during that breath?

Try it once more but add a deep ocean-like sound, ujjayi breath.

Yoga can help release any fears of the future:

-Calm your mind through asanas and breathing.

-Use deep belly breaths for more effective results.

-Deeper exhales will lower your stress levels immediately.

You can find yin practices in The Tree of Life Yoga MEMBERSHIP library.


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