3 delightful relaxing practices that are great for body & mind


Restorative, calming and grounding self-care practices are essential to avoid burning out. Here are three practices that I love to help me relax and restore my energy when I feel tired.

From soothing our minds and resplenishing our energy to reconnecting with ourselves, relaxation practices are the way to go. You're probably used to hearing that resting is a sign of weakness - but did you know that it's more productive to take a moment for you than to push through? Plus, with no energy and a lack of concentration, it's a lot harder to get things done. Try to take a moment to breathe, practice legs up the wall or enjoy a warm drink.


Time: 1-10 mins


-a quiet place where you won't be interrupted for the duration of your practice


-some relaxing music to help you set the mood

-light a candle or incence

-lavendar essential oil


1. Sit in a comfortable position. Make sure your spine is straight.

2. Start by observing your breath. Feel the breath moving in and out through your nose without forcing.

3. Deepen your exhale and let your inhale follow naturally.

4. Inhale for 4 counts, hold your breath for 4 counts and exhale for 6 counts. Repeat as many times as you need until you feel a deep sense of relaxation.

5. Finish by letting go of the breath and just observe how you feel physically and mentally.


Time: 5 - 10 mins


-a soft surface to lay on

-a wall or a chair 


-some relaxing music to help you set the mood

-light a candle or incence

-lavendar essential oil


1. Lay on your side with your pelvis against the wall or just in front of your chair.

2. Come onto your back bringing your legs against the wall or on your chair with your knees bent.

3. Close your eyes and start focusing on your body. Allow all the tensions of your day just melt away, bringing the energy back towards your heart and brain.

4. Stay here as long as you wish.

5. Once you want to get out of the pose, bend your knees with your feet against the wall or on your chair and turn onto your right side.


Time: preparation 5 mins


-your favorite mug

-the ingredients to make your favorite warm drink (tea, infusion, hot chocolate, coffee, etc.)

-a calm environment to enjoy your drink


1. Prepare all the ingredients for your hot beverage.

2. Take your time and be present while making your drink. Observe your thoughts, emotions...

3. Once your beverage is ready, sit in a place that invites you to relax.

4. You can choose to stay in silence, observing the steam evaporating from your cup, the smells and the heat of the cup in your hands.

5. Or you can take this time to read, listen to some music or whatever you like to do. Remember that this moment is your time to disconnect from the world and just do what you love.


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